April 20, 2006


Library 2.0 jobs discussed. Beware: much tech-talk

from Jenica
~~Top 25 CensoredStories of the year
~~Booklist is online

~~RPGs (Role-Playing Games) at the library
~~How to use a book
~~Britain has its very own Patriot Act…lucky them

George at OCLC wants to know how we keep up with stuff: So far the answers include IM, this website, a list of several other sites. I hope he publishes a compiled list.

Loads of stuff from Librarian in Black
~~NationMaster which provides statistics about countries has been joined by StateMaster
~~Google search form for searching worldcatlibraries domain
~~Google Calendar for joint online calendar function. It’s VERY easy.
~~Libraries who blog, in wiki format
~~Library 2.0 wiki, so we can keep up with what it is exactly!
~~Help with our Library PR
~~The evolution of the library catalog. I need to read this, but it’s LONG.
~~Local online access to obits and local history using WordPress [loads really slowly!] Here’s how they did it.
~~Library 2.0 Innovation Boot Camp from ALA
~~WhoIs changes names but still makes it easy to find out who owns a domain name
~~Historical weather data
From Stephen Abram
~~A blog about SecondLife Library development
~~Library 2.0 resources, loads of ‘em
~~Why cranky people are bad for you
~~Where on the continuum is Web 2.0 right now? And where are we?
New cool words from LanguageHat

Lorcan Dempsey wonders when conference rooms will catch up to the technical needs of the conferees…

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